Riptide Mangler
(Riptide Mangler)
- Set: Legions
- Color: Blue
- Cost:
- Type: Creature - Beast
- Power: 0
- Toughness : 3
- Rarity: R
- Text
1U: Change Riptide Mangler's power to target creature's power. (It doesn't change back at end of turn.)
- Cards of equal color/cost that Riptide Mangler
- Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- Merchant Ship
- Tidal Visionary
- Merfolk of the Pearl Trident
- Thought Nibbler
- Cards of equal cost and different color that Riptide Mangler
- Child of Thorns
- Mtenda Herder
- Goblin Balloon Brigade
- Llanowar Elite
- Basking Rootwalla